Files ui


Basically the purpose of the <FullScreen/> component is to highlight any kind of component and works in a similar way a modal does. It provides important prompts in a user flow.
You can close it by clicking on the close button or with the "esc" key.

Image preview

To display an image in full screen you can use the <FullScreen/> and <ImagePreview/> components.
blur Iron man in stark tower.gif
Iron man in stark tower.gif
28.00 MB
blur Iron man in stark tower.gif
Iron man in stark tower.gif
<FileCard id={0} {...imageSample} onSee={handleSee} />
<FileMosaic id={0} {...imageSample} onSee={handleSee} />
open={imgSrc !== undefined}
onClose={() => setImgSrc(undefined)}
<ImagePreview src={imgSrc} />
const imageSample = {
id: "fileId-1",
size: 28 * 1024 * 1024,
type: "image/gif",
name: "Iron man in stark tower.gif",

Video preview

To display a video in full screen you can use the <FullScreen/> and <VideoPreview/> components.
Thor arrives wakanda.mp4
28.00 MB
Thor arrives wakanda.mp4
<FileCard id={0} {...videoSample} onWatch={handleWatch} />
<FileMosaic id={0} {...videoSample} onWatch={handleWatch} />
open={videoSrc !== undefined}
onClose={() => setVideoSrc(undefined)}
<VideoPreview src={videoSrc} autoPlay controls />
const videoSample = {
id: "fileId-1",
size: 28 * 1024 * 1024,
type: "video/mp4",
name: "Thor arrives wakanda.mp4",
videoUrl: ThorArrivesWakandaEN,


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props available to the components mentioned here.